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    Workshop on

    Artificial Intelligence and Libraries

    Implications and Applications


    Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research

    Film City Road, Santosh Nagar, Goregaon East

    Mumbai 400065 Maharashtra, India


    Saturday, Oct 14, 2023

  • Resource persons

    Engage with experts who will transform the way you work

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    Library Leader and Technology Enthusiast, South Huntington Public Library, USA

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    Professor, Dept. of Library and Information Science, University of Kalyani, West Bengal

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    Specialist | Modern Work

    GBB, Microsoft

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    Customer Consultant, South Asia A & G


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    Chief Librarian


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    Assistant Librarian


  • Program

    It will be an immersive and invaluable experience over an action-packed day with hands-on sessions.


    Topics Covered: 

    • AI in Libraries: Landscape and Future

    Delve deep into understanding the AI landscape and its future in libraries

    • Generative AI and Libraries

    Gain a comprehensive understanding of utilizing the following AI tools to enhance library operations, programs, and services.

      • ChatGPT/Google Bard
      • Bing Chat
      • Stable Diffusion/Bing Image Generator (DALL-E)

    Uncover the potential of these tools by employing advanced prompt engineering techniques to enhance staff productivity and

    efficiency in your library. Also, helpful to enhance your users media literacy.

    • Scopus AI: Change the way you view knowledge

    Know how your library databases are going to change forever

    • AI-enabled research tools

    Explore and acquire skills needed to effectively utilize AI-enabled research tools for your own research endeavours and to educate

    and empower your users.



  • Supported By

    Thank you for your support.

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  • How to Reach

    Don't be afraid to reach out. You + us = awesome.


    From Goregaon (East) local train station, you may take BEST Bus no. 343/345 Santosh Nagar and get down at the last stop to reach our campus or take an auto [Nearest Landmark: Film City Main Gate].

    Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Film City Road, Santosh Nagar, Goregaon East
    Mumbai - 400065